HCI-Zinc Chloride
Haryana Chemical Industries is leading Zinc Chloride Manufacturers & Suppliers. Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2) is manufactured in best quality by us in High purity Grade, Battery Grade, Technical Grade and Commercial Grade. All these grades are available in Solid, Powder and Liquid (Solution) forms. The purity and impurity levels can be adjusted according to customers’ requirements. Zinc Chloride manufactured by us is utilized in multiple applications and is accessible in various specifications with pureness up to 99%. We fulfil the needs of major manufacturing units by supplying our products at large scale to dominant parts of India and by exporting to other countries.
ASSAY (%) | 98-99 | 90-92 | 80-85 | APCR |
AMMONIA (AS NH4CL) % | < 1 | < 5 | 10-15 | APCR |
ALKALIES & ALKALINE EARTH (%) | < 1 | < 1.5 | APCR | APCR |
IRON (PPM ) | < 10 | < 15 | < 15 | < 15 |
LEAD (PPM ) | < 10 | < 15 | APCR | APCR |
NICKLE (PPM) | < 2 | < 2 | APCR | APCR |
COPPER (PPM) | < 2 | < 2 | APCR | APCR |
COBALT (PPM) | < 2 | < 2 | APCR | APCR |
APCR - As Per Customer Requirement
H.P. GRADE - High Purity Grade
Use of the Zinc Chloride are Following :

The property to attack metal oxide and salts from metal surface and gives good metal to metal bonding make Zinc Chloride a better raw material for fluxes.

Zinc Chloride is used in Dry Cell Batteries as an electrolyte and also as a moisture absorbent and corrosion inhibitor.
Dry Cell Batteries

It is used in manufacture of Glue, Paper, Cosmetics, Synthetic, Fibers, Disinfectants and Fire Fitting form.

It is one of the main raw material for manufacturing of electroplating chemicals.
Electro Plating

It is also a good preservative.
Wood Preservative

It is using in water treatment because of corrosion inhibitor property.
Water treatment Chemicals

Zinc Chloride is used as a catalyst in production of methylene chloride from methyl alcohol.

It is used to separate water from oil as it is a good emulsion breaker. It is also used in oil and gas wells.

It is used as accelerator in the vulcanizing process of rubber.
Rubber Vulcanization

Zinc Chloride is also used to prepare antiseptics and deodorants.
Anteseptic AND Deodorant Preparation

Zinc chloride is a more active catalyst than magnesium chloride and almost as active as zinc nitrate. It does not contribute to resin yellowing on white goods and has little effect on dye shades in tinted materials. The textile grade is used as a catalyst in resin systems that impart a durable-press or wash and wear finish to cotton and cotton synthetic blend fabrics. Zinc Chloride 50% Solution also serves as a high quality mercerizing agent for cotton.
Textile Finishing

Zinc Chloride is an excellent source of zinc and used as a raw material for the production of other zinc chemicals.
Raw Material & Other Chemicals
Zinc Chloride with scientific formula Zncl2 is a white granular/crystalline powder, which is soluble in water having Specific Gravity 2.91, Melting Point 290° C and Boiling Point 732° C.
Zinc Chloride can be prepared from Zinc and Hydrogen Chloride.Zn+2Hcl→Zncl2 +H2.
Zinc exists in only one oxidation state 2+, which simplifies purification of the chloride.
Zinc Chloride is a reactive Chemical. We recommend rubber line tanks, fiber glass, PP tanks for storing- Zinc Chloride (Solution).
Zinc Chloride Powderis filled in 25/50 kg PP Bags with plastic liners inside and Plastic carboys.
Zinc Chloride Solid is packed in G.I. Drums.
Zinc Chloride Solution is transported in Plastic Carboys and in rubber lined tankers.
Health Hazardous
It is an acidic material which causes skin and eye burns. It’s mainly hazardous to eyes. Swallowing of Zinc Chloride causes severe damage and is extremely dangerous.
Safety Precautions
Do not let Zinc Chloride ever get inside your mouth, eyes or on skin. Avoid inhaling mist or fumes. After handling maintain proper hand washing regime. Chemicals proof safety goggles, rubber gloves, jacket, and shoes while handling Zinc Chloride should be available in your units. Transparent face shield is also recommended.
First Aid
First and foremost wash your hands then wash the part of body which came in contact with Zinc Chloride with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove clothes and shoes if they are contaminated and then contact the doctor.
If inhaled then the affected person should be left in open area for fresh air, artificial respiration should be given if not breathing properly. If swallowed do not induces vomiting, give large amounts of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately